Make sure to include a variety of nutritious foods and meat, chicken, or fish. Use water, juice, broth, milk, or milk alternatives to process foods. Using a blender to process foods can make them easier to digest. LIquids can move through your stomach faster than solids. Nutrition is important so choose healthier options. Try not to fill up on foods with empty calories like snacks and desserts. Small meals should be between one and one and a half cups each. If you do not put as much in your stomach at one time, it may swell less and empty faster. Try spacing your meals out throughout the day. Here are a few suggestions to discuss with them. Each person is different so working closely with your GI specialist and a dietitian is helpful. The goal for those suffering from gastroparesis is to reduce symptoms and get enough nutrition. Here are a few tips to help you manage food intake and hopefully reduce symptoms.

You may also want to visit with a dietician who can help you find out which foods work best for you. While there isn’t an official gastroparesis diet, making some changes in how you eat can help make a difference. Eating and lifestyle changes can be beneficial for reducing symptoms and maintaining an adequate intake of fluids and nutrition. When food is not digested properly it can lead to serious symptoms and conditions like dehydration or malnutrition. Most people’s stomach completely empties between 90 minutes and two hours after meals. But for those who suffer from gastroparesis, contractions are much slower and less frequent. The stomach normally contracts about three times each minute.